Monthly Meeting

Our next PTO meeting will be held in the school library at 6:30 on Tuesday, April 15, 2014. All parents and faculty are invited and encouraged to attend. Childcare will be provided for the children of parents attending the meeting.

Saturday, April 12, 2014

April Meeting Agenda

Tuesday, April 15 Hedges Library 6:30pm 

Guest Speaker: Kyra Oker--Technology Specialist for the district to explain upcoming Technology Levy

Principal Report:

Treasurer Report: 

New Business:  

  • Planning for May Teacher Appreciation Luncheon
  • Discussion about Fall Fundraiser
  • Hedges Garden update
  • Sharing of information from District Parent Advisory Title 1 Meeting

Thursday, March 13, 2014

PTO Meeting 3/10/14

PTO Meeting 2/10/14

The meeting was called to order at 6:30pm.  Those present included Christine Berry, Angie Beyl, Julie Wood, Nancy Easley, Jeremy Reed, Rachel Hanko, Christy Saugen and Natalie Miller.  

Jessica Manly from the Montana Food Corps spoke first in regards to plans to construct and maintain a Hedges Community Garden.  She is working on grants to pay for the materials needed to construct raised bed gardens in the front of the school.  These beds will be used as an outdoor classroom for the students of Hedges.  Classroom teachers will be encouraged to participate in the outdoor curriculum and it is hoped that each grade level will adopt a raised bed.  On April 1st, the National Day of Service, volunteers from the Mayor’s office will be at Hedges to help build and fill the beds with soil.  Any parents interested in helping may contact Jessica at  Jessica also requested parent/community volunteers who would be willing to help maintain the garden during the summer.  More information about what that would entail will be forthcoming.  

Angie Beyl, treasurer, reported that a check was recently received from Smith’s Earn to Learn program and combined with Hedges gear sales, she made a deposit of $492.35.  The checking account balance is $1826.87.  A check to Flathead Valley Hockey Association for $240.00 for the skating party was not included in the final balance.  

Mrs. Miller talked to the group about Hedges receiving funding based upon its Title 1 School status.  Schools in which more than 40% of the student population qualifies for free/or reduced lunch are entitled to additional funding.  These funds are used for instructional interventions to increase the academic achievement of all students.   Currently Hedges has 3 1/2 paraeducators dedicated to providing math and reading support to students at risk.  Mrs. Miller is requesting input from parents regarding what parents know about Title 1, what they want from these funds and what they feel is working well.  Parents, present at the meeting, brainstormed ideas for communicating with the Hedges community about these issues.  

Student safety, especially surrounding pickup and drop off around the school was discussed.  Many parents aren’t following the traffic plan in place which puts students in danger.  A representative from the city of Kalispell will be asked to attend a special meeting to discuss parent concerns and possible solutions for the situation.  

The opportunity to participate in fundraising efforts through Five Guys Burgers and Fries was discussed.  They offer a similar program as MacKenzie River Pizza in which a portion of the proceeds from an evening are donated back to the school.  Rachel Hanko will check into it and report at the next meeting.

The ice skating party was well attended and those present would like to put it on the calendar for next year.  It was decided that the date should be secured earlier in the season.  

The next meeting is scheduled for April 14 at 6:30pm in the Hedges Library.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 pm.  

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

PTO Meeting for Tuesday February 18 has been rescheduled for March 10.  Sorry for the late notice!!

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 21, 2014 Meeting Minutes

January 21 , Hedges PTO
>Call to Order: 6:30 PM
>Principal's Report:
>*New Aide Hire-Erin Keithly
>*Finishing Benchmark Testing
>*Use of Title One School Wide Funds: Mrs. Miller will survey staff on
>what activities the teachers would like to continue to involve parents
>and community. ie: ice cream social, math night, reading night, donuts
>for dads, muffins for moms, talent show, ....
>Treasure's Report:
>Box Tops Check =$855.00
>Spent $374.65 on t-shirt stock, popcorn $91.23, postage $9.20, turkeys
>Total $1364.02
>Yearbook Update
>Pick colors of front page
>Merisa and Natalie will coordinate with Russell
>Natalie will organize pics in folders
>New Business:
>Parking and drop off /pick up
>Police will be called to monitored
>Natalie will send home the Hedges Traffic Plan map with arrows and
>bullets with traffic plan to give parents more of a visual. Mrs. Miller
>will report back in February as to how it is going.
>Possible Zone Fundraiser on Feb. 17 from 3-5 on day off from
>Decision to rent woodland ice ink for two hours staying away from
>princess ball on March 1st.  Ask Rachel for dates but pay out of
>activities account.
>*PTO talk toy drive on October 2014
>*student leadership team would interview teachers and write a blurb for
>new bulletin board.
>*teachers could show the parking map/traffic plan at open house. have it
>on smartboard and go through with parents.
>Merisa Murray

Monday, January 20, 2014

Meeting Agenda
January 21, 2014
6:30 pm Hedges Library

Call to order

Principal’s Report

Treasurer’s Report

Old Business:  Yearbook update and chairperson ?

New Business
  • Parking around school
  • Need for change in traffic pattern around school--comments?  desire to approach city?
  • Zone fundraiser in February?   The Zone will donate 10% of proceeds for 2 hour time slot of our choice (?)
  • Rent Woodland Ice Center for skating party in February?  $125/hour ice rental  skate rentals $3.  

Any items not on agenda

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

There will be no meeting in December

Thank you Hedges families for your generous donations to the Flathead food bank!!
Rachel Hanko, Jessie Cady-Kauffman, Kris Reed, Angie Beyl, NatalieMiller, Rebecca Linden, Julie Wood, Nancy Easley, Sarah Parkman, Christie Saugen, Amanda Davey.

Review of the Hedges Mission Statement
In light of how busy we get and how many commitments we get involved with it is nice to know what the purpose of the PTO is.
Our Mission is to provide support and resources for students, parents, staff and administrations. Where there is a need, we aim to fill it.
How we do this?
Scholarships-     College bound Hedges alumni
                                Summer programs for Hedges students

Fundraising         Box tops program
                                Smiths earn to learn
                                Campbells soup labels
                                Toyota truck raffle
                                Hedges spirit gear
                                Large door to door fundraiser
Sponsor school community building events
                                Fall festival
                                Skating party
                                Ice cream social
                                Teacher appreciation luncheon

Principal Report:
Mrs. Miller has some new behavior initiatives to discuss including “I caught you” cards. Kids are putting them on her desk and a small prize is given when their card is drawn as initiative for noticing and supporting positive behavior.
Mrs. Miller has been working on a Response to intervention program; this is a multi-tier program that provides intervention for students that demonstrate a need for additional support. Tier I for behavior, Tier II for Academics and Tier III for both.
We will be purchasing a new PA system with PTO funds. The district will purchase a new phone system that will line up with the new PA system and that should save a lot of money.

Treasure Report:
Deposited $160.00 from the phone book, $230 from t-shirts, and $739 from the fall festival.
Check went out for Oriental Tranding for $215.14, Little Ceasars $48.00, Candy $63.00. Our current checking balance is $1,008.75 in checking.

Old Business.
Fall Festival was fun and had great attendance. Profit was $367.00. Need to decide if we would like to to this every year or every other year.  Discussion about sometimes out account decides if we can do it that year or not. Kids really seem to like it, it seems like a lot of work but it is really fun. Someone suggested it is much better inside than outside.
Popcorn popper. The old popcorn popper died so a new one was purchased with PTO funds $193.62 was the cost. It has already arrived.
Elliots fundraiser(cookie dough sales). Delivery was very easy and organized, the profit was great, $7,173.00 in profit, this money goes into the activities fund, not into the PTO checking but can be accessed by PTO if we need it, it is just a lengthy process. Do we want to participate in this fundraiser again? If so what do we want to do differently? Ideas were to get the teachers more involved perhaps giving them 5% of sales from their class for their classroom. Prize for the top sales, like a bike. Online sales were not very lucrative for us, we only made 3.50 per tub or 10% and they cost buyers considerably more to ship. We didn’t do a very good job of advertising and it was confusing for parents. We should do an assembly and give out cookie samples or something. There needs to be a place on the sheet for cash donations so they do not get lost. Perhaps we should change the time to earlier in the spring when families are not still trying to get in the swing of school and it is not such a busy time. We are having a reward lunch for the top sellers this year they get to have Pizza with Mrs. Miller. $700 was the top selling order.
Thanksgiving baskets.  We have six dinner boxes to give to families in need from our school but we still need six turkeys to add to them.  PTO approved $100 to purchase turkeys at cost, the additional expenses of the turkeys has been donated by Super One grocery store, the turkeys will be purchased in the form of gift cards specifically for approximately 15 lb turkey.
Phone Book Report. We changed the form to accommodate all family make up’s and we changed the wording on the form. We needed 4-6 adds to pay for the book but got 15 adds, so we raised $480.00 it will cost $100-$200 to print. In the future we would like to have the phone book out earlier. Suggestions to put out the family contact information with the orientation packet at the beginning of the year so that we can complete the phone book sooner.
Box Tops. The first deadline for tops was Nov 1st and we had $289.00 the next deadline is March 1st. Our school is not competitive at all with the other local schools, even the smaller outlying schools are earning way more money for their schools than we are. You can purchase box tops online by shopping through the box tops websites in addition to clipping box tops. Suggestions were to have a PTO education table at events to get our families aware of boxtops and boost competitions with classrooms.

New Business
Yearbook. Hap Aldrich has changed his prices this year so we have to table this issue for now.
Giving Tree.  Rebecca has suggested we create a giving tree that contains cards with requests from each teacher for things that they need or want for their classroom so that families can grab that ornament and provide that request for the classroom. This lead to a discussion of possibly reintroducing room parents again for teachers who would like a parent to help in the class room with whatever they might need.

No Meeting in December.